

To grow and develop the sport of water polo and to raise the Sport’s profile globally. 

Water polo is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. But in order for it to develop productively and successfully, quality resources need to reach all of those involved in the process. 

Our mission is to bring together the smartest minds in the business around the globe to partner in a positive and inclusive effort to effectively develop our Sport across all age groups, skills levels, specialties and nationalities.

With your help, we believe we can make water polo into one of the next great global sports.

 Our Values


Everything we do is done thoughtfully and with purpose. You can expect all of our products, services and initiatives to adhere to the highest quality standards. 



Water polo is not up to par with other sports in terms of the use of technology, data and sustainability. We tackle existing problems in the Sport with novel and cutting edge solutions. 



Every dollar donated to our organization goes directly towards the development of one of our programs or initiatives. We have zero bureaucracy and pay no corporate salaries. You decide where your contribution goes and how it’s used. 



We believe that water polo should be available to any athlete or coach around the world who is passionate and ready to put in the hard work. Our programs are built around the idea that high quality resources should be available to all, regardless of circumstance.